We specialize in exactly one thing… Data Entry
How much time do you spend, or do your employees spend, sitting. Entering data. Keyboarding, typing. Erroring, fixing, and reviewing? A bit, you say?
Since we already use speech-to-text for so many things, what we do here is we adapt this thing that you already do to the task of creating and entering information by speaking. We take away the keyboard and the time and the space requirements and make it possible for you to
Work at the Speed of Thought… Anywhere.
Chances are pretty good that you can speak faster than you can type. And you can speak in places where you can’t type. And you can do this anywhere.
Talk to me, baby!
You talk to our services. And that’s it. How hard can this be? This is a cloud technology designed for desk-less people on the go. You already have access to the tools you need to do these things and to succeed. You’re just not using them. We’re here to change that.
Fully-integrated speech-activated mobile-optimized services:
- Expense Shark – use for expense tracking and bookkeeping
- Get Physical Inventory Tracking – take and track physical inventory for any business
- Mileage Pie – use for mileage tracking
- Data-entry customizations – bring us your data challenge! We build interface technologies.
NowSight Mobile services are built with beSpokn technologies on Force.com.