Getting Started w Jobs

You can start a new job (QuikCreate) on the Time Clock by entering a job name preceded by a dollar sign.  We didn’t have to think this through for very long, and neither will you: new jobs mean new money, so a dollar sign is the logical marker for a new job.dollar sign

The only information required to create a new job is a job name.  You should try to use job names that you will not confuse.  So, two jobs with the same name will be confusing.  You also will not be able to tell them apart.

If you have two (or more) jobs for the same person or the same account, try giving them the same name with a number attached.  Just a suggestion…. We are also big fans of choosing names that you can enter by talk-to-text vs. keyboard entries.

Every job has a Contact (person who you speak with about a job), an address, city, state, zip, phone and alt phone.  A contact is not necessarily the owner.  You can also add a description of the job.

Jobs can belong to projects  (business lite user only) and projects belong to accounts (also a business lite feature).

Jobs can be billed hourly and assigned a default billing rate.  This is different than the payrates specified for employees or personnel.  To specify a default billing rate check the box “Is Billed Hourly”.   Then specify the default billing rate.  The simplest kind of job is a job that is billed hourly at one rate only.  But you can also multiple rates for job billing.

To accomplish this, you muse specify an hourly billing rate for specific tasks on a job by editing timesheet details.  A billing rate specified on the timeclock record will always take precedence over the default billing rate on the job record.  So, for instance, if you specify on the job sheet that the job is billed hourly and set the default billing rate to zero, all time on the job will be billed at zero unless you edit and specify a billing rate on the timesheets.