- Expense Shark is a mobile-optimized small-biz service… use time that you ordinarily waste and put to good use to replace your bookkeeper…
- Bookkeepers use Expense Shark strictly for data entry. Nothing works better.
- Text Guerrilla sends pre-defined text messaging on-the-fly using beSpokn interface for access anytime-anywhere… Introduce yourself. Send appointment reminders, event reminders, delivery notices, payment reminders… use your imagination….
- Mileage Pie also uses those wasted moments in your day and permits you to keep a through and always up to date mileage log for small biz write-offs and tax savings.
- Speak to Salesforce is a bolt-on speaking service to create standard records in Salesforce
All of our Services are always under construction. New and Old.
This means that Good New things are Always coming! Check out what’s coming to see what’s on the drawing board.